Orders are generally shipped from our distribution centre, which is located in Melbourne, the next working day after full payment is received.
You can click here to log into your account and check the order status. Alternatively, you can visit the website below
or call to track your parcel.
Please visit http://auspost.com.au and use the given tracking number to track your item.
To track item that is dispatched with Fastway, please visit http://www.fastway.com.au and use the given tracking number.
Allied Express requires consignment note and the postcode of the destination to track item at http://www.alliedexpress.com.au/ or call 13 13 73 for more queries.
Please visit https://www.tollgroup.com/tools/mytoll and use the given tracking number to track your item.
Please visit https://www.hunterexpress.com.au/home and use the given tracking number to track your item.
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